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ancient sites have stories to tell
here are the tales i love
these are the (Blog)busters

Hannibal - Elephants in Cartagena
dangerous cargo The docks of the trading port got crowded with spectators when a mix of trumpeting sounds, shouting, and screaming...

Halicarnassus - a tale of love and war
Halicarnassus is a Rock The setting sun is flooding Halicarnassus in dark orange light. From the battlement atop the Myndos Gate, Memnon...

Phaselis - ancient seaside city spared by the gods
King of Asia Ptolemaîos pulls the fur collar tighter around his neck. The snow crawls into his armour and makes him shiver. He doesn't...

Patara ... 'let them say I lived in the time of Achilles'
Princess of Troy Finally, after three days and nights at sea, the lighthouse of the city came in sight. The helmsman of the Dardanian...

Pantheon - gate to the universe
the sword of Ilium "My Prince, there, I can see the mouth of the river!" This must be the place the dying king had urged him to find....

Lake Sapanca - for a pleasant peace of mind
a myth about the lake The Sabian Sage pulls up the hood of his long garment to cover his face before he approaches a small settlement in...

ancient superstars - arena of glory and death
Verus The afternoon sun has turned the Hypogeum into the lobby to hell. A man walks along the main passage through this labyrinth of...

"… either with this or on this" (Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς)
Goosebumps Yesterday was a special day. Usually I'm not much into celebrating my own birthday anniversary, but this time everything was...
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