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how to eat, how to love, how to live
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banana (musa sapientum fixa)
origin of the Banana Some countries in South America still call the banana "guineos" because this fruit originated in Oceania (South-East...

why we make new year's resolutions
Some 4,000 years old clay tablets tell us that the ancient Babylonians have been the first people to make New Year’s Resolutions. They...

white cabbage (nam albus brassica)
origin of cabbage Cabbage is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables known, consumed already by the Egyptians in 2,500 B.C. Although...

hazelnuts (corylus avellana)
the origin of Hazelnuts Archeology tells us that Hazelnuts (also called "Filberts") have already been domesticated during the stone age...

sequential eating
eat your food in the right order Different foods have different digestion times. How can we make sure that we present the food to our...

potatoes (solanum tuberosum)
The Origin of the Potato The potato was first cultivated in South America (south of Peru and the northeast of Bolivia) more than 7,000...

acidic & alkaline food - pH balance
pH value The pH balance in our body is very essential for a healthy life. pH stands for power of hydrogen, which is the value of the...

avocado (persea americana)
origin of avocado Archaeologist tell us that wild avocados probably originated and were cultivated in Mexico, Central America, and South...

lemon (citrea)
origin of lemon It is not really clear where the lemon has its origin. However, some sources suggest it may be north-western India, where...

digestion times for common food
Decrease Digestion Time While eating our meals we are normally mixing different foods. E.g., first we take a forkful of tossed salad,...

physical activity for energy balance
Physical Activities ( I go swimming ) One substantial condition for finding our energy balance is our level of physical activities. We...

finding our energy balance
define your energy demand Energy Balance is essential for a healthy human body. It is a precondition for good performance in all aspects...

the human power plant
Energy The existence of Energy is the precondition to everything that defines our life on this planet. It regulates the conditions of our...

there is no such thing as a midlife crisis
My "crossing rubicon" post is all about decision making 2,000 years ago. I'm sure that there are plenty of other history changing...
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